Issue 33
Special Water Issue
Earth-Generated Water: A Potential
Solution (Morad Eghbal)
Discussion of water use and rights in the Middle East, including an
analysis of the earth-generated water research of Stephan Riess.
The Hydro-Quebec Controversy
(Ken Rauen)
Firsthand account of Rauen's visit to Quebec, Canada to study hydroelectric
developments and their effects on the land and people of northern
Water and Health (Robert
Overview of the importance of water to human health, including discussion
of "better, wetter water" and electrolyzed water for use as a sterilant
to treat disease.
"Water Buckyballs": Chemical,
Catalytic, and Cosmic Implications (Keith Johnson)
Water detection in interstellar space found in unusual "Buckyball"
Solar-Energy Liberation from
Water by Electric Arcs (George Hathaway, Peter Graneau
and Neal Graneau)
Technical paper dealing with the liberation of intermolecular bond
energy from ordinary water by means of an arc discharge.
Just Add Water (Bennett
Read about the water fuel work of Keith Johnson, who uses a combination
of diesel fuel with tap water to form a mixture that cuts pollution,
maintains engine efficiency, and works in existing engines.
Tidal Power (Jeane
Learn about advances in tidal power energy production at Blue Energy
Canada Inc.
Waves of the Future? Harnessing
Tidal Power (Barbara DelloRusso)
An historical account of the Quoddy Tides Project and some of the
politics surrounding the field of tidal power generation.
Review of the following important
books on water:
The Memory of Water: Homeopathy and the Battle of Ideas in the
New Science (Michel Schiff, 1998)
Living Water: Viktor Schauberger and the Secrets of Natural Energy
(Olof Alexandersson, 1990)
Polywater (Felix Franks, 1981)
Life's Matrix: A Biography of Water (Philip Ball, 2000) |